Press the Esc key to close the help guide.


Basic Test Rules

Pause Rules

Overview of the Test Tools

All tests have navigation tools, for moving around in the test, and test tools. Some test tools are available only for specific tests or questions.

These test tools are available:

This table describes the global tools available.

Global Tools Description

Help button

help button

To see the on-screen Help Guide window, click the question mark Online Help Button button in the upper right corner.


Calculator tool

To use the on-screen calculator, click Calculator in the global menu.

The calculator will be basic, scientific, or graphing based on the test and any accommodations.

The calculator tool can be used on the following tests:

  • Texas Instruments Basic: Mathematics Grades 3–7 and Science Grade 5
  • Texas Instruments Scientific and Texas Instruments Basic: Science Grade 8 and Biology
  • Texas Instruments Graphing and Desmos Graphing: Mathematics Grade 8 and Algebra I


Dictionary Tool

To use the dictionary, click Dictionary in the global menu.

Line Reader

Line Reader Tool

To highlight a line of text in a passage or question, click Line Reader in the global menu.

When the enhanced line reader mode is turned on, everything but the highlighted line is grayed out for easier focus.

Note: The Line Reader tool cannot be used while the Highlighter tool is in use.



To use the on-screen notepad, click Notepad in the global menu.

Periodic Table

tabla periodica

To see the on-screen periodic table, click Periodic Table in the global menu.

System Settings

configuracion del sistema

To change audio volume, click the settings wheel icon cog wheel icon in the upper right corner.

Zoom buttons

zoom in button zoom out button

To zoom in or enlarge the text and images on a test page, click Zoom In. There are several zoom levels. To undo zooming, click Zoom Out.

This table describes the context menu tools available.

Context Menu Tools Instructions

American Sign Language

American Sign Language Icon

If you have the American Sign Language (ASL) accommodation, you can watch videos that translate test content into ASL. To watch ASL videos:

  1. In the context menu, click American Sign Language.
    • If there is only one video, it opens automatically.
    • If there is more than one video, sign language icons American Sign Language Icon appear next to the test content for each video. Click the icon for the test content you want translated into ASL.


highlighter tool

Reset Highlighter tool

To highlight text, select the text on the screen and then click Highlight Selection in the context menu. If there are color options, choose a color from the list that appears.

To undo highlighting, click Reset Highlighting in the context menu.

Note: You cannot highlight text in images.

Mark for Review

mark for review tool

To mark a question for review, click Mark for Review in the context menu. The question number shows a flap in the upper right corner, like this: Item number displaying bent flap to indicate the item has been marked for review. A Flag icon flag icon appears next to the number. The Questions drop-down list shows Item Marked for Review Flag for the selected question.


strikethrough tool

For multiple-choice and multi-select questions, you can use the Strikethrough tool to cross out an answer option if that helps you focus on the options you think might be correct.

There are two ways to use the Strikethrough tool:


  1. Open the context menu and click Strikethrough.
  2. Select the answer options you want to cross out.
  3. Deactivate Strikethrough mode by pressing the Esc key or clicking outside the response area.


  1. Right-click an answer option and click Strikethrough.

Sticky Notes

note icon

To make notes or comments on a question, click Sticky Notes in the context menu. After you make a note, a pencil icon note icon appears next to the question number on the test page.

Note: You can only see your notes for a question on that question’s test page.


TTS Tool

To listen to passages and questions, select the Text-to-Speech button beside the context menu and select a Speak option.


tutorial tool

To watch a short video on how to answer a particular type of question, click Tutorial in the context menu.

Besides the global tools and context menu tools, there are some other tools that you may be able to use based on your test settings.

Other Tools


Content and Language Supports

If you have content and language supports turned on, you can see reference materials and alternate resources that are provided based on the item content.

  • Rollover: Lets you see alternate resources. Click rollover expand arrow above the item text to expand the section and see the content. To collapse the expanded section, click rollover collapse arrow.

  • Pop-ups: Lets you see an explanation or definition of specific words or phrases. To open the pop-up, select a word or phrase that has a border around it. If the TTS feature is turned on, you can click the TTS icon in the pop-up to listen to the content. While the text is being read aloud, the TTS icon is replaced by the speaking icon.

ECR/SCR Toolbar

Constructed response items have tools you can use to change your writing and how it looks.

the ECR/SCR toolbar

From left to right, each button does the following: 

  • the Bold button Bold text

  • the italics button Italicize text

  • the underline button Underline text

  • the remove formatting button Remove formatting

  • the insert/remove numbered list button Insert or remove a numbered list

  • the insert/remove bulleted list button Insert or remove a bulleted list

  • the decrease indent button Decrease indent

  • the increase indent button Increase indent

  • the cut button Cut text

  • the copy button Copy text

  • the paste button Paste text

  • the undo button Undo

  • the redo button Redo

  • the insert special character button Insert special character

Expandable Items

When the screen is divided vertically (up and down), test questions (items) can be expanded to the width of the screen. When used with the Expandable Passages tool (if Expandable Passages is not turned off by the test administrator), this tool can be used to expand either passages or questions.

  • To expand the passage section, click the right arrow icon Right Arrow Icon under the global menu. To collapse the expanded passage section, click the left arrow icon Left Arrow Icon in the upper right corner.
  • To expand the question section, click the left arrow icon Left Arrow Icon under the global menu. To collapse the expanded question section, click the right arrow icon Right Arrow Icon in the upper left corner.

Expandable Item arrow icons can also be used when the screen is divided horizontally (side to side) to expand an item Expand Item Arrow or collapse the expanded item Collapse Item Arrow. The arrow icons will be on the right side of the screen.

Expandable Passages

When the screen is divided vertically (up and down), passages can be expanded in the left pane to the width of the screen.

  • To expand the passage section, click the right arrow icon Right Arrow Icon under the global menu. To collapse the expanded passage section, click the left arrow icon Left Arrow Icon in the upper right corner.

Expandable Passage arrow icons can also be used when the screen is divided horizontally (side to side) to expand a passage Collapse Item Arrow or collapse the expanded passage Expand Item Arrow. The arrow icons will be on the right side of the screen.

Speech-to-Text (STT) If you have the Speech-to-Text test setting, you can speak or dictate answers to short and extended response items. You can also speak or dictate within the Notepad and Sticky Notes. To use Speech-to-Text, click the microphone icon Speech to Text Microphone Button in the formatting toolbar above the response area and begin speaking. The dictated response will be transcribed as text in the item response area.

Spell Check

spell check button

When this tool is enabled, misspelled words are underlined, and text appears in a different color. You can select the underlined word to view suggestions for replacements and select a replacement from the list.

Navigating the Test with Job Access With Speech

This section provides instructions for using Job Access With Speech (JAWS) to move around on a test page.

Note: The first time the test loads, JAWS may start reading everything until you stop it. However, on the next test page, JAWS will focus on the first question on the page.

About Test Regions and Elements

A test page has up to three landmark regions: the Banner, the Navigation region, and the Main region. To move between these landmarks using JAWS, press the R key.

JAWS Keyboard Commands

You can use the following keyboard commands to move around within a test page.

Note: The commands in this table are based on JAWS 2022. Commands may be slightly different in other versions.

Action Keyboard Command
Move to the next landmark region on the page. R
Move to the next line on the page. Down Arrow
Move to the previous line on the page. Up Arrow
Move to the next component on the page.
  • In general, the following test elements are components:
    • Question number and associated question text
    • Question context menu
    • Response options
    • Navigation and tool buttons
Move to the previous component on the page. Shift + Tab
Move to the next heading on the page.
  • In general, the following test components have a heading:
    • Test name (H1)
    • Student name (H2)
    • Passage title (H3)
    • Question number (H3)
Note: On test pages that have multiple questions, you can move directly from one question to the next by pressing H and then pressing the Down arrow twice.
Move to the previous heading on the page. Shift + H
Select an option or button. Enter
Read everything on the page from your current place on the page. Insert + Down Arrow
Stop JAWS from reading. Ctrl or Space

Opening a Context Menu

The first question on a test page will automatically be in focus. The instructions in this section assume you want to open the context menu for the active landmark element on the page and have not yet used the Tab key to move anywhere.

To open the context menu for a stimulus or question:

  1. To move directly to the context menu button, press Tab twice. JAWS reads aloud “Menu button.”
  2. Press Enter. The context menu opens and shows the list of menu options. JAWS reads aloud the first option in the menu.
  3. To move up and down the list, press the Up and Down arrow keys. JAWS automatically reads aloud each option.
  4. To select a menu option, press Enter.

To exit the menu without making a choice, press the Esc key. JAWS will return focus to the context menu button.

About Question Labels

After you use a context menu tool for a given question, a label for that tool appears next to the question number. When you move to a question with labels, you can press Tab to move to each label, which JAWS reads aloud.

  • When a question is marked for review, JAWS reads “Marked for review” for the question label (Mark For Review Label).
  • When a question has been printed, JAWS reads “Printed” for the question label (Printed label).
  • When you have made a note for a question, JAWS reads “Notes” for the question label (note label).

Responding to Questions with JAWS

This section provides basic guidance for answering question types that may appear on a test.

Note: The instructions in this section assume that the question does not display any question labels. If you have used a context menu tool for a question, you must press Tab again for each question label that appears.

Multiple-Choice and Multi-Select Questions

Answering multiple-choice and multi-select questions is similar.

  1. After listening to the question text, press Tab twice. JAWS reads aloud the option’s text. If the option is an image, JAWS reads the text description associated with the image.
  2. To move to each answer option, use the Tab and Shift + Tab commands (or use the Up and Down arrow keys). JAWS reads aloud the text for the option in focus.
  3. To choose the response option in focus as your response, press Space. The answer option is selected and JAWS reads “Space.”

Hot Text Questions

For hot text questions, you have to select at least one word, phrase, or sentence.

  1. After listening to the question text, press the Tab key twice. This will take you to the first selectable word, phrase, or sentence. JAWS will read aloud the text that is in focus.
  2. To move to each selectable text area, use the Tab and Shift + Tab commands. JAWS will read aloud the selectable text.
  3. To choose a selectable text area in focus as your response, press the Enter key. JAWS will announce that the text is checked.

Edit Task Questions

For edit task questions, you have to replace an incorrect selectable word or phrase.

Important Notes About JAWS and Edit Task Questions:

Note: It is strongly recommended that you read through an entire question before editing text.

  1. Use the Down arrow to read through each line of text. If a line of text has a selectable word or phrase, JAWS will say "clickable" after the word or phrase.
  2. Move to each selectable text field in the question.
    • Option 1: Return to the beginning of the question.
      • Press Shift + H.
      • Press Tab to go to the first selectable text field.
    • Option 2: Move backwards through the selectable text fields in the question.
      • Press Shift + Tab.
  3. When the selectable text is in focus, press space. This will open the edit menu. JAWS will read "Edit tools dialog" and provide additional instructions.
    • Text box: Type in the replacement word or phrase.
    • Drop-down list: Use the Up and Down arrow keys to move between options in the list. JAWS will read aloud each option. To choose an option, press Enter.
  4. Press Tab to move to the OK button in the edit menu. Press Enter. The edit menu will close and the question will be back in focus.

Text Response Questions

For text response questions, you have to enter text into a text box.

  1. Read the question and then use the Tab command to move to the response area. JAWS will read "Edit, type in text."
  2. When you are done entering a response, press Tab. You will leave the text box and move to the next question on the page.

Table Match Questions

For table match questions, you have to mark at least one checkbox in a table. The table will have multiple rows and columns. The table row heading and column heading are not selectable. The selectable table cells have checkboxes.

  1. After listening to the question text, press the Tab key twice. This will take you to the first table cell that has a checkbox. JAWS will read aloud the corresponding column name and row name for that table cell.
  2. To move to each cell that has a checkbox, press the Tab key. JAWS will read aloud the corresponding column and row name for each cell.
  3. To mark a checkbox, press space.

Equation Questions

For equation questions, you have to enter a math equation or expression in a text field using an on-screen keypad.

  1. To move between the keypad buttons, press Tab or Shift + Tab. JAWS reads aloud the character or action for each button.
  2. To enter a character in the text field or perform an action from the keypad toolbar, press Enter. You can also press the same key on your keyboard, if it is available.
  3. Optional: To add special characters to the text field, press Alt + 7 with the focus on the text field. A pop-up window opens, with a drop-down list of the available characters. To move between the options in this list, use the arrow keys. JAWS reads the name of each special character. To insert the selected character, press Enter.

Navigating the Test without JAWS

This section gives instructions for using keyboard commands to move around in a test page without JAWS.

About Test Regions and Elements

A test page has up to three regions: the Banner, the Navigation region, and the Main region.

Keyboard Commands

You can use the following keyboard commands to move within a test page.

Action Keyboard Command
Move to the next component on the page.
  • In general, the following test elements are components:
    • Question number and associated text
    • Passages
    • Context menus
    • Response options
    • Navigation and tool buttons
Move to the previous component on the page. Shift + Tab
Select a response option or mark a checkbox. Space
Select a button, open a menu, or select a menu option. Enter
Move to the next option in a context menu. Down Arrow
Move to the previous option in a context menu. Up Arrow
Close a context menu. Esc

Opening a Context Menu

To open the context menu for a stimulus or question:

  1. To move directly to the context menu button, press Tab twice.
  2. Press Enter. The context menu opens and shows the list of available menu options.
  3. To move up and down the list, press the Up and Down arrow keys.
  4. To choose a menu option, press Enter.

To exit the menu without making a choice, press the Esc key.

Responding to Questions without JAWS

This section talks about how to answer question types that may be on a test.

Note: The instructions in this section assume that the question does not display any question labels. If you have used a context menu tool for a question, you must press Tab again for each question label that appears.

Multiple-Choice and Multi-Select Questions

Answering multiple-choice and multi-select questions is similar.

  1. After listening to the question, press Tab twice.
  2. To move to each answer option, use the Tab and Shift + Tab commands (or use the Up and Down arrow keys).
  3. To choose the response option in focus as your response, press Space.

Hot Text Questions

For hot text questions, you have to select at least one word, phrase, or sentence.

  1. After reading the question, press the Tab key until the first selectable text area is in focus.
  2. To move to each selectable text area, use the Tab and Shift + Tab commands.
  3. To choose a selectable text area in focus as your response, press the Enter key.

Edit Task Questions

For edit task questions, you have to replace an incorrect selectable word or phrase.

  1. To move to a selectable text field in the question, press the Tab key.
  2. When the selectable text is in focus, press space. This will open the edit menu.
    • Text box: Type in the replacement word or phrase.
    • Drop-down list: Use the Up and Down arrow keys to move between options in the list. To select an option, press Enter.
  3. Press Tab to move to the OK button in the edit menu. Press Enter. The edit menu will close and the question will be back in focus.

Text Response Questions

For text response questions, you have to enter text into a text box.

  1. Read the question and then use the Tab key to move to the response area.
  2. When you are done entering a response, press Tab. You will leave the text box and move to the next question on the page.

Table Match Questions

For table match questions, you have to mark at least one checkbox in a table. The table will have multiple rows and columns. The table row heading and column heading are not selectable. The selectable table cells have checkboxes.

  1. After listening to the question text, press the Tab key until the first table cell with a checkbox is in focus.
  2. To move to each cell that has a checkbox, press the Tab key.
  3. To mark a checkbox, press space.

Equation Questions

For equation questions, you have to enter a math equation or expression in a text field using an on-screen keypad.

  1. To move between the keypad buttons, press Tab or Shift + Tab.
  2. To enter a character in the text field or perform an action from the keypad toolbar, press Enter. You can also press the same key on your keyboard, if it is available.
  3. Optional: To add special characters to the text field, press Alt + 7 with the focus on the text field. A pop-up window opens, with a drop-down list of the available characters. To move between the options in this list, use the arrow keys. To insert the selected character, press Enter.